Russia: The Tragedy Between Asia and Europe


Translated from the Third Reich original Russland: Die Tragödie zwischen Asien und Europa, which appeared in the April 1937 issue of Der Schulungsbrief. The author, Ad. Volk, was a Baltic-German who lived in Czarist Russia. He personally knew many prominent Russians of the era, including the Czar‘s own brother-in-law! His presentation of Russian history, description of the Russian soul and commentary on the rise of Bolshevism provide fascinating insights.

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Softcover. 43pp.

Foreign rule is the stigma of Russian history. The tragedy flowing from that is the history of the Eastern Slavic folk.

One burdens the Russian folk with Jewish Bolshevism, without seeking an explanation for why this bestial Bolshevism could arise and thrive precisely in Russia. Aside from the above named National Socialist works, there is no work of scientific prominence that even just makes the attempt to recognize the original countenance of the Eastern Slav, and to research the events and features distorting him. Always, just the contemporary face of individual Russian epochs, days and persons are shown.

We want to try to dig deeper. If we manage to grasp the tragedy of the Russian folk, we thereby fight against Jewish Bolshevism, which is the end product of foreign rules that the Russian had to endure. That has nothing to do with sympathy or antipathy, rather with our folkish conscience, which says to us: each folk yearns for its “inner homeland”, which in its unique nature is not subject to a value judgment.