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680-903 S-07-01 Struggle for Berlin – 3 Volume Set


Translated from the Third Reich original Kampf um Berlin by Joseph Goebbels, published here in three separate volumes. Propaganda master Goebbels provides a fascinating first-hand account of the difficult, brilliant and bloody battle to win the hearts and minds of the Berlin population, and especially of the often strongly pro-communist Berlin worker. 

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Softcover. All Three Volumes just $25.00.

The struggle for the capital always forms a special chapter in the history of revolutionary movements. The capital is a concept in itself. It represents the center of all political, intellectual, economic and cultural forces of the land. From it, their emanations reach into the provinces, and no city, no village remains untouched by them.

Berlin is something unique in Germany. The population of this city does not, like in any other one, consist of a uniform, united, homogenous mass. The Berliner: this type results from a deposit of old Berlindom, supplemented by admixtures from all provinces, all landscapes, classes, occupations and denominations.

Admittedly, Berlin is not, like Paris for France, decisive and leading in everything for all of Germany. But nonetheless, the land is inconceivable without Berlin.

The National Socialist movement did not emanate from Berlin. It has its origins in Munich. From there, it expanded first to Bavaria, to southern Germany, and only later, after it had the beginnings of its development behind it, did it build a bridge to Northern Germany and hence to Berlin.

Only after its collapse in the year 1923 does the history of the party north of the Main begin. But then National Socialism was taken up in Northern Germany as well with all the vehemence of Prussian tenacity and discipline.

This book has set itself the goal of portraying the history of the movement in the Reich capital. But it does not pursue any historical purposes in the process. To present the objective chronology of the course of its Berlin development will remain left to later historians. We lack the necessary sober dispassion to fairly allot light and shadow.

The person who wrote these pages has himself been involved in the course of the things, decisively and chiefly responsible. He is hence partisan in every sense of the word. He only harbors the hope to write from the soul with this portrayal what in the five year struggle has rested upon it as heavy responsibility. It should be for those who participated in and won the splendid rise of the Berlin movement comfort and incentive, for those who stood off on the side, doubting and rejecting, admonishment and compulsion of conscience, and for those who opposed our triumphant march threat and challenge.

Today we are not yet able to celebrate the conclusion of this struggle in a victory along the whole line. May this book contribute to it that the marching battalions of the National Socialist rebellion receive hope and faith, so that the goal, today already recognized in all sharpness and consequence, is never lost sight of and at the end will be achieved despite everything!