677-904 S-07-01 Blood and Honor – 4 Volume Set


by Alfred Rosenberg is translated from the Third Reich original Blut und Ehre. Each of the four volumes contains one of the four chapters from the original.



Each of the four volumes contains one of the four chapters from the original.

The first volume, Against the Old System, is a translation of the first chapter of that work, Gegen das alte System. It consists of sixteen of Rosenberg’s writings from 1919 to 1933 dealing with the National Socialist struggle against the Weimar Republic. Also included are his article on the occasion of Adolf Hitler’s birthday in 1923 and the work’s original foreword by Thilo von Trotha dated November 9, 1933.

The second volume, For The New Reich, is a translation of the second chapter of that work, Für das neue Reich. It consists of twenty of Rosenberg’s writings from 1922 to 1933, including the introduction to his work “Essence, Principles and Goals of the NSDAP”.

The third volume, Worldview and Culture, is a translation of the third chapter of that work, Weltanschauung und Kultur. It consists of seventeen of Rosenberg’s writings from 1920 to 1933.

The fourth volume, Foreign Policy is a translation of the fourth chapter of that work, Außenpolitik. It consists of eleven of Rosenberg’s writings from 1925 to 1933 about foreign policy in both the Weimar Republic and the very early Third Reich. Sometimes addressing the world outside Germany, he also emphasizes National Socialism as a worldview based on race science and race respect as opposed to race hatred.

Here is an excerpt:

The man approaches work and life inventing, forming (architecturally) and summarizing (synthetic), the woman, however, lyrically. Although the average man in routine life may not always reveal a great intellectual architecture, the fact remains that great state founding, legal codes , type-forming associations of political, military, clerical nature, encompassing philosophical and creation systems, symphonies, dramas and temples – all of them, as long as mankind exists, have been created by the synthetic spirit of the man. On the other side, the woman represents a world which in its beauty and uniqueness confronts the man’s not as inferior, rather as equal. The “Amazon” emancipated women is at fault that the woman has begun to lose her high respect for her own essence and makes the highest values of the man her own. This means a mental disturbance, a re-magnetization of female nature, which then even today lives on darting about like a will-o’-the-wisp, similar as, conversely, male nature, instead of concerning itself with architecture and synthesis of existence, began to worship the idols of humanity, of humanitarianism, of pacifism, of slave liberation. One also errs, if one views that as “transitional stage”. The woman has not become architectural thanks to emancipation, rather merely intellectual (as “Amazon”) or purely erotic (as representative of the sexual revolution).