SC. 56pp.
Translated from the rare and much sought after Third Reich original.
SC. 56pp.
So does the mother explain the various mushrooms to her child.
But then both pick up their baskets and slowly set off for home.
Underway, the mother says:
“Look, Franz, precisely as it is among the mushrooms in the forest, so is it among people on earth. There are good mushrooms and there are good people. There are poisonous, hence bad, mushrooms, and there are bad people. And one must watch out for these bad people just like one must watch out for poisonous mushrooms. Do you understand that?”
“Yes, mother, I understand that”, says Franz, “if one gets involved with bad people, that can result in misfortune, like if one eats a poisonous mushroom. One can perish from it!”
“And do you also know who these bad people, these poisonous mushrooms of mankind, are?” the mother asks as well.
Franz proudly beats his chest.
“Yes, mother! I know that. They are the – Jews. Our teacher has already often said that in school.”
Laughing, the mother pats her Franz on the shoulder.
“Heavens, you are a very smart boy! But now pay very close attention so that you also understand what I now say to you. I repeat it again: there are good mushrooms and there are bad mushrooms. There are good people and there are bad people. The bad people are the Jews. But it is often downright difficult to distinguish the bad people from the good ones.”
“I believe”, Franz says, “that it is often just as difficult as distinguishing between the poisonous and the edible mushrooms.
“Right!” the mother praises. And then she continues to speak. She has become completely serious. “The Jews are bad people. They are like poisonous mushrooms. And just as the poisonous mushrooms are very difficult to distinguish from the good mushrooms, so is it often difficult to recognize the Jews as rogues and criminals. Just like poisonous mushrooms appear in the most diverse colors, so do the Jews also know how to make themselves unrecognizable by assuming the most diverse forms.”
“What kind of diverse forms do you mean?” asks little Franz.
The mother notices that her child has not yet completely comprehended the matter. But unflagging, she continues to explain:
“Alright, so listen! There are, for example, the peddler Jew. He travels from village to village with clothes and all kinds of other stuff. He says his wares are the best and cheapest. In reality, they are the worst and most expensive. One mustn’t trust him!”
“Just like with a poisonous mushroom! One mustn’t trust it, either!”
“And it is exactly the same with the livestock Jews, with the department store Jews, with the butcher Jews, with the Jew doctors, with the baptized Jews and so forth. Even if they camouflage themselves so, even if they pretend to me so friendly toward us, and even if they say a thousand times they mean well by us, we mustn’t believe it. They are simply Jews and remain Jews. They are poisonous for our folk!”
“Like the poisonous mushrooms!” says Franz.
“Yes, my child! Just like a single poisonous mushroom can kill an entire family, so can a single Jew destroy an entire village, an entire city, yes, even an entire folk!”
Franz has understood his mother.
“Mother, do all non-Jews know that the Jew is as dangerous as the poisonous mushroom?”
The mother shakes her head.
“Unfortunately not, my child. There are many millions of non-Jews who have not yet become acquainted with the Jews. And therefore we must enlighten the people and must warn them against the Jew. But we must also warn our youth against the Jew. Our boys and girls must become acquainted with the Jew. They must learn that the Jew is the most dangerous poisonous mushroom that there is. Just like poisonous mushrooms sprout from the earth everywhere, so is the Jew to be found in all the lands of the world. Just like poisonous mushrooms often bring along the most terrible misfortune, so is the Jew the cause of misery and distress, of sickness and death.”