SC. 44pp.
Translated from five original Third Reich articles. Two deal with the solstice, one with the origin of the runes, and one each with the meaning of “leader” [Führer] and “Hail!” [“Heil!”].
SC. 44pp.
Reflected in a folk’s celebrations and festivals is not solely this folk’s spiritual and religious life, rather also – and indeed very closely connected – the height of its spiritual and cultural existence. All ethnic celebrations in the north have their origin, their inner reason, their meaning in the course of the year, into which they fit rhythmically and organically; for the ancestors felt and knew much more closely and intimately than we present-day “modern” people how to bond to and live in harmony with the great process in nature and the divine laws of life ruling over and working within it. But it simultaneously laid in the nature of things that our ancestors were indeed also far more dependent than we on the cycle of the year and its alternating seasons; an orderly division of the year, a “calendar”, simply had to be a necessity of life for a folk of peasants and seafarers!
If at the time of midsummer, at the “time of the height of life, of the great high-time of the year” (Georg Stammler), in all Germany’s provinces the solstice fires again blaze on the mountains, then this happens out of a new awakening in our folk of what already in the ancestors had been awake and alive: the deep inner need to honor that divine ruling and working in nature through elevating celebration. In their celebrations they hence celebrated out of knowing and pious hearts simultaneously the revelations of that creative power that orders and inspires the universe, which finds its highest embodiment in the sun and its orbit; and so the sun-born fire was to them, as a part of it and its effect at the same time, symbol of that blessings bringing life energy of the sun itself. Not “sacrifice fire”, rather fire of the light-loving affirmation of the great, mighty divine order in the universe, which to recognize and to live according to was for them life’s sacred meaning. “Germanic people were people who were bound to the earth and close to the shy. Even before the re-awakening of the scientific confirmation in the occident, they were good observers of nature and sky, worthy of their descendants, to whom mankind owes the most important part of its astronomical knowledge.” (J. Hogrebe.) By themselves, they achieved the discovery and utilization of thepoints of the compass, the independent observation and measurement of the stars and their change, their points and times of ascent and descent and the advanced calculation of both, they found their own astronomically amazingly precise time measurement and time division, the calendar.