The Party Program: Essence, Principles, and Goals of the NSDAP


by Alfred Rosenberg. Translated from the 1943 edition of Das Parteiprogramm: Wesen, Grundsätze und Ziele der NSDAP.  This English translation by Gerhard Lauck was first published in 2011. [Note: This book is similar to our item #571, the earlier Gottfried Feder edition, which had originally appeared in 1922 as the NSDAP’s first official party publication.]



Softcover. 60pp.

This 10th demand contains within itself another: the prevention of effortless and workless income. The banks and stock-markets were largely no longer purely economic private enterprises facing the state uninvolved, also not state institutions, rather the reverse, the states had become puppets in the hands of high finance. Under their sway stand today the parliaments in the whole world and all Marxist currents.

That the states are in the hands of a few hundred bankers and that their folks are tributary to them, National Socialism calls this interest servitude.

The economics capital of a land lets itself be separated into two fundamentally different categories. Into the working industry capital inextricably bound to the national soil and agriculture on the one hand, and into loan capital chained to no soil. While the first must stand determining and dominating in economic life, the second only in a serving position, things today in the world usually lie so that precisely the bank and stock-market money almost totally decides over the really productive forces and enters into a merger with them, which only apparently represents a merger, in reality is the subjugation of the entrepreneur, inventors, employers under the dictate of the in itself inexhaustible loan capital. This, too, is interest servitude.

This monstrous condition is primarily the result of the acknowledge of a dangerous principle: that namely the state as such assumes interest-obligating loans from private banks. In wars, when millions and millions risk their life for their folk, it was still valued as a special kindness, if the big banks would draw up loans and in the process receive interest, which the state could pay only in that it burdened all citizens with indirect taxes on the most necessary commodities of daily life. This war loan economy was one of the greatest economic burdens that Germany had to bear.