SS Creed – Volume Twelve: Flanders


translated from original SS publications. The articles deal primarily with Flanders’ relationship to the German Reich and the Flemish contribution, in the Waffen-SS, to the war effort. There are also articles about Switzerland’s historical tie to the Reich and even the Walloon SS-Volunteer Brigade. The original illustrations are also included. 

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SC. 51pp.

In many strata of our population, our Flemish folk is as good as destroyed. In others it indeed still lives, but it becomes ever thinner and ever poorer. It feeds from its previously grown substance. Its roots no longer reach the nourishing, rejuvenating depths.

We must give back to our folk its consciousness of eternity, so that it feels as one, from its oldest ancestors to its most distant and yet unborn sons.

Only so can it stand firm and rooted here and now, in its blossoming present shining toward all sides with infinity and immortality.

We must give back to our folk its consciousness of tribe, so that it feels as one with all the sons of its oldest Germanic ancestors, in whatever lands and under whatever names they may have lived. So that it feels what a giant the tree is, of which it is one of the most glorious and most fertile branches; so that it, living in and through the tree, receives and enjoys the tree’s powerful juices. We must give back to our folk its consciousness of space, so that it no longer calls “life” this slow decay in an unnatural self-reduction and self-minimalization.

One must be fully, what one is.

A folk that sets itself other limits or lets them be imposed on it, drifts toward suicide. The limits of our blood stretch as far as the offspring live, who with us have emerged from the sea of the same ancestors. They inhabit vast spaces that stretch from Calais to Königsberg and beyond, from the Lower Lands on the sea to the highest Alps.

We must give back to our folk its consciousness of history, so that it learns, behind the daily routine, to see eternal values. So that – behind the daily routine of the centuries long, grumbling, Flemish struggle – to recognize its splendid, glorious task to be an outpost of the Germanic world. So that it has a feel for the eternal event of which its life and its kind is an indispensable, necessary component; so that it comprehends that – insofar it is healthy and whole and upright in what it does and does not do, with its singing and fighting, with its suffering and loving, with its working and playing, with its dancing and composing – together with the other Germanic folks does an equal work, bears an equal life, represents an equal example, helps build an equally splendid, future Reich.

This future Reich: it is inside us like our blood, like our spirit.