SC. 40pp.
Translated from the SS original.
SC. 40pp.
Summary of Our Demands
First, safeguard your health and, as long as you are at the age of development, be above all abstinent in regards to pleasure poisons (alcohol, nicotine) and sexual activity. (In this regard it should be remembered that precisely the Nordic person in general only reaches full maturity late.)
Second, marry as early as possible. Only then will you and your wife fully enjoy family joy.
Third, do not marry a breed-alien wife. You are responsible to your folk and your offspring for the purity of the blood.
Fourth, do not marry a genetically ill woman. You otherwise bear guilt for the suffering of your own children and grandchildren.
Fifth, choose a completely healthy woman for yourself. The true picture of the health condition and of the characteristics of your future wife are shown you by her clan.
Sixth, your wife should be racially at least as valuable as you.
Seventh, strive to get yourself and your children back to the land.
Eighth, avoid marriage with a relative, for unfavorable genetic traits almost always remain hidden to you and then manifest themselves twice as strong in your children.
Ninth, you must preserve your gene pool for your folk in the largest possible number of children. In your children you live on.